Monday, December 23, 2013

home sweet home.

From attending Spotswood my first day home, to celebrating my niece's first birthday and Addison's third birthday, to interviewing for a position (and getting hired!), to gift shopping and wrapping, decorating Christmas trees and cookies... it's been a whirlwind. And it's only been a week.

It still feels a little unreal.

When I first arrived in Thailand, I felt adjusted after a week. Then, I felt really adjusted after a month. Then three months. The longer I was there, the more I felt like, "I wasn't actually adjusted before, but now I am." It wasn't until month ten/eleven that I stopped feeling that way. Coming home feels very similar. Everything is familiar, and so I want to say I'm adjusted, but I know I'm not. There is so much here that I am seeing and experiencing with fresh eyes, and it's taking time to process.

Many of you have asked for me to come and share with your groups and Sunday morning classes, and I would love to! The Lord has given me a unique opportunity and I want to be faithful in communicating back to you all what you were a part of. However, between Christmas and traveling over New Years, this month is very hectic. Once things settle down, in January, though, I would love to set up some times to speak and share. If you already know of some dates/times when you would like me to share in the new year, send me an email:

Thank you for your investment in my life and in Kingdom work! If you missed my post about Jum and my follow up post, please check them out. You will be encouraged by doing so.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

0: D-Day!

It's Departure Day!

Steph and I are currently waiting at our gate... 4:12am Bangkok time. Check in went smoothly and all our bags were accepted (no overweight charges!).

[Love us some airports!]
The airport is pretty empty, and our flight boards in 20 minutes. So far, so good! Except for having to throw away every water bottle we've bought. (We're at 3...) It would seem that even after security is not safe.

Thanks for all your prayers, keep them coming! Looking forward to seeing many y'all soon!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

1: wrapped up and ready

Thanks to some lovely friends and 4 pairs of scissors, I now have all my things packed and ready to go to America... All I need now are the scales at the airport to register at 50 pounds :)

We leave for the airport in less than an hour, and our flight departs at 5:30 am local time. If possible, I will try to update Facebook during our connections in Tokyo and Los Angeles. If I can't get wifi, though, I'll definitely update once I'm back home-sweet-home. It's supposed to snow on Saturday in Virginia-- so please pray that the weather does not affect our landing.

Thank you so much for your prayers and for being a part of this journey--

For live updates on our trip, follow Steph's hashtag: #partyintheUSA

Thursday, December 12, 2013

2: 25 hours

25 hours from now we're going to be in a truck, headed to the airport, heading back to America. For those of you in the DC/Reagan area who would like to come to the airport for Steph and my arrival... here's our flight information:

That's 9:00pm EST on Saturday, December 14th. And! Since we'll be going through customs in LAX, we should be out of the gate fairly promptly.

< All are welcome to come! >

For those of you who can't make it to the airport, we'll both be at Spotswood on Sunday, December 15th. We'll be the ones bundled up looking very, very cold. I will be going to the 8:55am Service, 10:15 Encounter, and 11:30 YP. Steph will be going to 10:15 Encounter and 11:30 Service. Looking forward to seeing you all in just a few short days!

Also. Please pray for my packing. It's turned into quite a disaster, despite all my efforts to plan ahead and stay on top of it... Thanks! :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

3: new sister!

First news first.

You all have a new sister in Christ!! My friend, Jum, who I posted about previously-- decided today to follow Jesus and surrender her life to Him. Jum had an appointment to meet with Jill (IMB) today, and she asked me to join her. I was humbled and ecstatic. During that time Jill went over, in Thai, the Gospel. As she explained her way through, Jum was nodding and affirming what Jill shared. At the end, Jum prayed and began her new life as a child of God! God is faithful. Praise Him who removes the scales to allow the blind to see!

Second news second.

This week I've baked over 200 cupcakes, plus cookies and sheet cakes. I'm in a losing battle with my dishes. My bed has been turned into a giant cooling rack. And I've never bought (or had Steph buy for me!) more butter in my life... but it's been totally worth it!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (tonight), and Thursday are party days. And what's a party without cake and games?? Tonight Steph and I merged our classes for a group competition of Jeopardy and Minute-To-Win-It! I headed up the cake and Steph mastered the games. It was really fun to get to have a more relaxed environment for our last Wednesday class of the term.

Here are some pictures from this evening :)

[Boss and Poy are my 1:00 Wednesday Class]
[Minute-To-Win-It: "Mummy"] 
[Minute-To-Win-It: "Face the Cookie"] 
[Minute-To-Win-It: "Bite Me"]
[Minute-To-Win-It: "Card Ninja"] 
[Some of my 5:00 Wednesday class]
[Some of my 7:00 Wednesday class]
[Beam and Ton]
Last, but not least!

After classes, Steph and I met up with my friend Air to say our goodbyes. I met Air through a guy named Supot, who tutored Claire and I in Thai before we came to Thailand. 

[Air, Steph and I at "After You" dessert cafe]
It's been a busy/full/fun/emotional day to say the least! But I'm thankful that everything got fit in and finished :) Another day down. Only one more "sleep" left in Bangkok after tonight!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

4: going away party

Really? 4 more days?

I'm currently waffling between denial and panic mode. Despite growing up, and being, slightly nomadic, I still am a terrible mover. In the past, my M.O. was waiting until the last possible minute, cramming things in my bags haphazardly, and then leaving a scrappy mess trailing behind me.

However, as Amy and Patrick will be returning from their December wedding to move into my room in January, I want to leave it nice for them. I also want to be able to be a part of our last night (Fri) at Comm110. Which means, I need to pack beforehand. Hence, why I'm up late again tonight. I'm trying to make piles and start packing. And, as I have had a year and a half to collect things, it's good that I've started sorting and gifting away my belongings early.

Before I tackled my room, however, Steph and I had a wonderful day/evening at our Going Away Party. After much planning and preparing, it was nice to simply sit and be. For those of you who prayed for Steph's and my party today, thank you. We really were both able to relax and enjoy hanging out with the many people who dropped in.

My quote of the day is this: "How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to. -Anonymous" God has given Steph and I many "someones" who have made our time in Thailand rich... but who also make it hard to leave. As my friend Jen so aptly stated, "What a wonderfully bittersweet thing it is to know that now, no matter where you live, someone's missing you."

I'm so thankful, though, for the time I've been able to spend with these wonderful people. It's truly a blessing when God gives you, not only friends, but friends that matter.

Monday, December 9, 2013

5: quick post

I spent most of the day preparing for my classes this evening (which, since it's the final week, involved a lot of baking!). I've also been packing, planning, researching and making lists. Lots of lists. But it's time to crash and the only thing between me and 7 hours of Zzz's is this post. So I'll keep it brief :)

This week is the last week of classes for the BSC and me. After 8 terms at the BSC, it's hard to believe I only have 2 more days of teaching left. Not all my students were able to come because of the protests and traffic-- but we were able to take some class pictures with the folks who could come! Here are a few of the faces I've had the pleasure of teaching the past 6 weeks.

Tuesday, Dec 11, is a public holiday-- and also the day Steph and I will be having our farewell "open house" at LifePoint. Please pray that everything comes together smoothly and that we'll have lots of good "Mary-time" with our friends before we leave. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

6: jum

Matt took over leading small group this evening and it was a great evening discussing Jesus. After group finished, Aom and Jum stayed after to talk for a while. I joined them, and I have some news I want to share with you all (with Jum's permission).

Many of you have been praying for Jum as she reads through the Bible-- that it would be transformational in her life. Well, God has heard your prayers! Through reading the Word, being involved in small group, going to church (with some of the IMB folks who help at the BSC), conversations and relationships-- God has been revealing the Truth to Jum.

Tonight she shared with Aom and I that over Father's Day, she went to her hometown and talked to her parents about her desire to become a Christian! Her parents (praise God!) were both receptive. They said that whatever she decided was okay with them. This is a huge praise, because in Thai culture, changing your religion from Buddhism is sometimes seen as disrespectful to your parents (because they believe your parents accumulate more "good karma" for having good Buddhist children).

A couple from the IMB (Jill & Tim) has been very involved in investing spiritually in her for the past few years as well. She said she wants to talk to them this week and then "officially" become a Christian. (I say "officially" only because she is waiting to pray with them... and she considers that time to be when she will officially commit to be a Christian. But she has already expressed her intent and confessed that she believes that Jesus died, was buried and rose again.) And I just can't wait until it's "official" to share the good news and implore you to keep lifting her up in your prayers.

On Aug 18th I wrote, "I have been praying for God to place an unsaved Thai woman in my life for me to invest in... and I think He may have answered that prayer!" I can say with confidence that that woman was Jum. If getting to build that relationship and spiritually invest in her life was the only investment I made while here, it was worth it.

To see her journey from being a staunch, devout Buddhist to being softened by the Word has been incredible. John MacArthur said that, "The Bible is like a Lion. You don't have to defend it - just let it out of its cage. It can defend itself." I feel like when God is working on the hearts of His creation to draw them to Himself, the best argument for Him, is His Word! Jum has been tearing up the Word. Before tonight, she had texted me a couple times expressing that she can't put it down and every time she reads it she believes more and more about God. Praise God for the power of His message and Word. And Praise God for all your prayers! Don't stop!

[Our after-after small group this evening. Love these ladies!]

Saturday, December 7, 2013

7: scripture

"To those who reside as aliens... who are chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood: May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.

Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth; knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God." [1 Peter 1- excerpts]

Take a few minutes to listen to this song and be encouraged: 1 Peter Song

Friday, December 6, 2013

8: titus women

Today was a full day of baking cookies and cooking quiches for LifePoint's Unite:BKK Christmas Party this evening! As much as I love baking sugar cookies, what I love even more is getting quality time with Tiffany (and occasionally Steve). 

Claire, who was working on a seminary paper, recently brought up in our conversation the passage in Titus where it talks about older women teaching younger women. It reminded me how blessed I've been to have godly women want to invest in my life. The first person who intentionally "mentored" me (besides my mom) was Gina. She didn't meet with me and tell me "how to love my (future) husband and children, how to be self-controlled, pure, busy at home, kind, submissive..." (Titus 2:4-5). Rather, she invested in our relationship and lived transparently in front of me. As she modeled, I learned.

I learned about what it means to be a good wife, and what submission looks like in the good and difficult seasons. I learned to make choices not based on what is easiest, but on what requires more faith. I learned that sometimes, we just have to "do laundry as unto the Lord." I learned these things because, as Doug says, "Quantity time breeds quality time." Praise God for older, intentional, women who are willing to spend time with (and impact!) us young'uns for the sake of the Kingdom and for the glory of God!

[Tiffany prepping the tomatoes for Unite]
Gina always told me we should always try to have a "Paul, Barnabas & Timothy": someone investing in us, someone shoulder-to-shoulder in the trenches sharpening us, and someone we're investing in. I'm thankful that I've been able to have all three while here in Thailand. Tonight was an encouraging affirmation that God is growing fruit in the relationship investments I've made over the last year and a half. And, it was also a good reminder of how much so many people have invested into my life. Thank you.

[Christmas caroling] 
[Delicious sugar cookies... my mom's recipe!]
[L-R: JJ, Me, Aom, Isabella, photo-bomber: Matt]
[L-R: Me, Chao and Steph]
[L-R: Putt-Putt, Me, Pepe, Steph]
[L-R: Kabil, Mark, Me, Joshua]
[L-R: Nat, Me]
Also, for those who have been praying about my foot-situation, my results came back good! The doctor wasn't sure what's causing the pain in my foot (his theory is my running shoe?), but he said while my bone is irregular and therefore weaker than the others, I don't have a visible fracture and there's no tumor. So, that's good news! I'm going to try resuming some light running and see what happens... Thank you so much for all your prayers in that department :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

9: father's day ii

Thank you, Anonymous, for your comment on my post yesterday. (You rescued everyone from a series of disastrous haikus!) I need a little time to mull your question over... so, the answer is: coming soon.

Today was Father's Day in Thailand. For more information, you can read my post from last year [click here] for details on the traditions and history of the day. It's crazy that I'm getting to experience holidays twice! Below are a couple pictures from an evening excursion to the park with some church friends... which included com-roi (floating lanterns), candlelight singing, and fireworks!

[Rama IX Park]

[1 kg of baby oranges for less than a dolla'!]
[And! The orange peels made perfect wax-guards]
[photo credit: julia biasi]
[L-R: Me, Tseka, Julia, Steph // photo credit: julia biasi]

[Lighting candles and singing/humming the King's anthem // photo credit: julia biasi]
[Beautiful fireworks]
[When people were done with their candles they just stuck them to rocks, surfaces or in the dirt. Still burning. It was beautiful, albeit dangerous]

[Lighting the lanterns! // photo credit: julia biasi]
[photo credit: julia biasi]
[L-R: Me, Erica, Tseka, Steph // photo credit: julia biasi]
[White lights everywhere!]
[Our "Father's Day at the Park" group! // photo credit: julia biasi]
[For more photos from tonight, see Steph's post by clicking here]

And... a quick matter of prayer!

A few weeks ago, post-runs, I started experiencing acute pain in my left foot. I finally was able to go to the Orthopedic center today and have an X-ray and CT scan done on it. The doctor thinks it's either a stress fracture (which, is my opinion) or a benign bone tumor. I go in again tomorrow to find out the results from the CT scan. (Shout-out to my awesome parents who woke up when they got my text at the doctor's and helped give me good counsel!) I'm thankful that I am in a country where I can get good medical care-- but it was a hard/emotional morning. Making medical decisions alone is not easy, especially when every decision comes with a price tag attached to it. However, I am glad that I'll soon know what is wrong. Please pray my appointment in the morning goes well and that I can start taking steps (pun intended!) to help my foot mend.

Also, if you can pray specifically that God would steady my heart and help me to find balance in the midst of all the craziness of wrapping things up-- farewell events, unexpected medical appointments, teaching, ministry commitments etc-- I would greatly appreciate it. I want to finish well and as a real person (as opposed to some frantic sleep-deprived basket-case).

Thank you so much! :)