Really? 4 more days?
I'm currently waffling between denial and panic mode. Despite growing up, and being, slightly nomadic, I still am a terrible mover. In the past, my M.O. was waiting until the last possible minute, cramming things in my bags haphazardly, and then leaving a scrappy mess trailing behind me.
However, as Amy and Patrick will be returning from their December wedding to move into my room in January, I want to leave it nice for them. I also want to be able to be a part of our last night (Fri) at Comm110. Which means, I need to pack beforehand. Hence, why I'm up late again tonight. I'm trying to make piles and start packing. And, as I have had a year and a half to collect things, it's good that I've started sorting and gifting away my belongings early.
Before I tackled my room, however, Steph and I had a wonderful day/evening at our Going Away Party. After much planning and preparing, it was nice to simply sit and be. For those of you who prayed for Steph's and my party today, thank you. We really were both able to relax and enjoy hanging out with the many people who dropped in.
My quote of the day is this: "How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to. -Anonymous" God has given Steph and I many "someones" who have made our time in Thailand rich... but who also make it hard to leave. As my friend Jen so aptly stated, "What a wonderfully bittersweet thing it is to know that now, no matter where you live, someone's missing you."
I'm so thankful, though, for the time I've been able to spend with these wonderful people. It's truly a blessing when God gives you, not only friends, but friends that matter.

I'm currently waffling between denial and panic mode. Despite growing up, and being, slightly nomadic, I still am a terrible mover. In the past, my M.O. was waiting until the last possible minute, cramming things in my bags haphazardly, and then leaving a scrappy mess trailing behind me.
However, as Amy and Patrick will be returning from their December wedding to move into my room in January, I want to leave it nice for them. I also want to be able to be a part of our last night (Fri) at Comm110. Which means, I need to pack beforehand. Hence, why I'm up late again tonight. I'm trying to make piles and start packing. And, as I have had a year and a half to collect things, it's good that I've started sorting and gifting away my belongings early.
My quote of the day is this: "How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to. -Anonymous" God has given Steph and I many "someones" who have made our time in Thailand rich... but who also make it hard to leave. As my friend Jen so aptly stated, "What a wonderfully bittersweet thing it is to know that now, no matter where you live, someone's missing you."
I'm so thankful, though, for the time I've been able to spend with these wonderful people. It's truly a blessing when God gives you, not only friends, but friends that matter.
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