Thank you, Anonymous, for your comment on my post yesterday. (You rescued everyone from a series of disastrous haikus!) I need a little time to mull your question over... so, the answer is:
coming soon.
Today was Father's Day in Thailand. For more information, you can read my post from last year [
click here] for details on the traditions and history of the day. It's crazy that I'm getting to experience holidays
twice! Below are a couple pictures from an evening excursion to the park with some church friends... which included com-roi (floating lanterns), candlelight singing, and fireworks!
[Rama IX Park] |
[1 kg of baby oranges for less than a dolla'!] |
[And! The orange peels made perfect wax-guards] |
[photo credit: julia biasi] |
[L-R: Me, Tseka, Julia, Steph // photo credit: julia biasi] |
[Lighting candles and singing/humming the King's anthem // photo credit: julia biasi] |
[Beautiful fireworks] |
[When people were done with their candles they just stuck them to rocks, surfaces or in the dirt. Still burning. It was beautiful, albeit dangerous] |
[Lighting the lanterns! // photo credit: julia biasi] |
[photo credit: julia biasi] |
[L-R: Me, Erica, Tseka, Steph // photo credit: julia biasi] |
[White lights everywhere!] |
[Our "Father's Day at the Park" group! // photo credit: julia biasi] |
[For more photos from tonight, see Steph's post by
clicking here]
And... a quick matter of prayer!
A few weeks ago, post-runs, I started experiencing acute pain in my left foot. I finally was able to go to the Orthopedic center today and have an X-ray and CT scan done on it. The doctor thinks it's either a stress fracture (which, is my opinion) or a benign bone tumor. I go in again tomorrow to find out the results from the CT scan. (Shout-out to my awesome parents who woke up when they got my text at the doctor's and helped give me good counsel!) I'm thankful that I am in a country where I can get good medical care-- but it was a hard/emotional morning. Making medical decisions alone is not easy, especially when every decision comes with a price tag attached to it. However, I am glad that I'll soon know what is wrong. Please pray my appointment in the morning goes well and that I can start taking steps (pun intended!) to help my foot mend.
Also, if you can pray specifically that God would steady my heart and help me to find balance in the midst of all the craziness of wrapping things up-- farewell events, unexpected medical appointments, teaching, ministry commitments etc-- I would greatly appreciate it. I want to finish well and as a real person (as opposed to some frantic sleep-deprived basket-case).
Thank you so much! :)
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