This week I've been taking advantage of having time off from teaching to prepare for my visit home... (read: gift shopping!) After a week of brainstorming and bargaining I'm happy to report I'm half-way finished. Shopping is hard work. Thankfully, though, there are some special places and people who have become close to my heart who have businesses here. I love when gifts are not just gifts, but are also meaningful. For a few posts leading up to my return, I'd like to highlight a couple of the people and ministries where I purchased your gifts! (Also, if you have any specific gift requests, make sure you send 'em soon!)
This post, you're in for a special treat. My scarf/soap selling friend Moni at MBK Mall graciously allowed me to interview her so that you can put a face with a name... and a face with your gift! I have mentioned her previously in my blog here and here. I wanted for you to hear, from her, one of the struggles of being a Thai Christian, and also how you can be praying for Thai believers. As soon as you watch the video, you'll know why I love her so much!
Before we parted, Moni insisted on giving me a bag filled with scarves leftover from her scarf inventory. She told me that she wants to be able to bless some of you who have so sacrificially supported and sent me. I think a large portion of my bag is home will just be soap and scarves... I can only imagine what the customs folks will be thinking!
If you are one of the people who receives a scarf or soap, please remember to pray for Moni. Pray for her life to continue to be a light here to bring hope to her people.
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