Thursday, April 11, 2013

other thailand bloggers.

Hello friends! I just wanted to make you all aware of some of the awesome folks I've gotten to meet since being in Thailand and their blogs. If you read these posts in your email inbox, you may not ever visit my blog-blog... so I just wanted to make sure you know about these missionaries (ie: your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ). Partly because if you are interested in finding out more about Thailand, they will offer different perspectives. Partly, because God is doing incredible things through their lives and their stories should be shared. And partly (is that enough "parts" to be convincing?) because it will help you pray more specifically for those of us living and serving internationally. As much as I'd love to hoard all your prayers for myself, I don't want your prayers for Thailand to end when I come home. I want for God's people to continue to learn about and love and serve the lost in Thailand.

You can check out the full list on the left side bar of my blog by clicking [here]. I just updated it! The blog titles which have a "*" note missionaries who have returned state-side.
Steph B.
Okay, so she's not in Thailand quite yet, but she's currently fundraising to come and spend 6 months serving here. I've had the privilege and joy of investing in her life... She is one awesome woman. If you're currently in the Fredericksburg vicinity and looking for a way to get involved in international missions, please consider investing in her life and heart for missions. She'll be working as a self-supported volunteer with a ministry called "House of Blessing" which is a large Christian prison ministry in Thailand, and also at the BSC.
Jen McCaman and David McCaman
Love this couple... and their cute son JoJo. David serves as the senior pastor of LifePoint: BKK (my church here). Jen is a fabulous writer and captures living in Bangkok, specifically as a mom, in a beautiful and vivid way. I live here and see her regularly, and still love reading her blog. If you think you can't move overseas to do missions with a little tyke, check out her blog!
And, last but not least, two of my new friends who work with SHE ministries in Phuket who are here in Bangkok doing language school...
Chelsea and Monica
Monica had a wonderful post last month with a specific prayer for Thailand, specifically in regards to the sex-tourism [click here to see post]. It's worth checking out.
Thank you for all your continued love and prayer and support. Your prayers are making a difference and impacting people and situations and conversations in ways that we will never know the full breadth of until we are with the Lord. Keep being faithful to pray and to act!
"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." -James 5:16b

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