Thursday, April 4, 2013


It only takes flipping my calendar one page to see my departure day. It's so hard to imagine being back in America... I've started trying to prepare myself now and begin processing what it will be like. But I know regardless of my good intentions, some amount of reverse culture shock is inevitable. I want to pack Thailand in my bags so that I can better explain my year here... So I can show you life here. And yet, I feel that even with limitless kilos, I still would have no way to "bring back" or fully explain everything. This blog is my small effort at communicating culture, missions, and me all in one bundle package, but even this does not capture everything.

After talking with some of the missionaries here about my excitement (and yes, even a few fears) in returning state-side, I wanted to share three things that you can do to help make my time easier! :)
- Ask specific questions. As much as I'd love to answer, "How was Thailand?" over and over... It's hard to encapsulate a year in a few sentences. Use my blog (or conversations we may have had) to help you come up with specific things you'd like to know more about. It takes some of the pressure off me so I don't have to scrounge up ways to summarize so much into so little space.
- Tell me about you! I have been able to keep up with some of you better than others, but overall, I feel a little out of the loop (or out of most loops anyways). As much as Thailand has been eye-opening for me, I still care very much about you, your family and what God has been doing in your life as well. I don't want our conversations to just be about me.   
- Help me plan ahead. I want to fit in seeing and spending quality time with as many of you as I can... Partly because my "final return" in December will be tight on time and near Christmas. (If you want more details, I posted about it here.) If you're family, friend or sponsor, you're on the "I want to see you" list! This past year has not been a "Liz & God Solo Show". You have been an integral part of everything that has happened here through your prayers and financial support. I want to get to share stories with you and answer your questions. A lot of people were involved in sending me, so you can imagine how full my calendar could potentially become. If you'd like to meet up when I return, please let me know ahead of time so that I can plan wisely. (I give you full freedom to initiate and be proactive!)
Any other thoughts/suggestions? For any of you who've had to re-adjust after serving abroad, were there any things that really helped your return? (I know Claire would appreciate your tips as well... she will be returning to America permanently at the beginning of July.)

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