Friday, June 29, 2012


Thank you so much for all your prayers over the last few days. I am happy to say that I am feeling quite a bit better. I even left my room today to visit with Claire in her room (change of scenery!). My mission for the weekend is introducing real food (crackers ≠ real food) back into my life. While this whole experience has been altogether quite unpleasant, I am so grateful for it.

1. Because getting sick in Thailand was one of my biggest fears in coming over here. I was really dreading my first time being really sick so far away from home. And, it wasn't as terrible as I imagined. Dani was a great nurse, Claire made my cracker-runs to the 7-11, and I survived. Now I can move forward without a lingering fear of "my first time sick in Thailand." It happened. And it's behind me!

2. Because I got sick the week before classes started, instead of my first week teaching. There is no way I could have been in a classroom like I was feeling... and to miss the first week of my classes and have to find time to make all those up would have been close to impossible. Praise God in His perfect timing that He allowed me to get sick when I was able to have a few days to rest and recover without feeling panicked about all I was missing!

3. Because it gave me time to rest (I'm not sure how many hours I clocked asleep... but it was quite a few!) and, towards the end, read. I have some books that I've been reading on my Kindle: Empty Promises (finished!), The Explicit Gospel and Sifted. And I was able to make a dent in all three. Even though they all are quite different, each of them promote the centrality of the Gospel in our daily lives and the need to root out anything that would take priority over Christ. Something I need a daily reminder of.

So that's my health update! Claire and I are continually so encouraged by all of you who post us notes and send us emails. Thank you for the love and prayers you faithfully send our way!

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