Sunday, September 23, 2012

spiritual things.

For the past two weeks I have been trying to write about some of the things that have been going on in my heart and head as they relate to Buddhism and observations I have had. Every time I sit down to write, though, I can't articulate all the things I want to say. Laura nailed it, however, and she has given me permission to share a portion of her post on my blog. So, here it is, from her mouth-- but both of our hearts.
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[excerpt from Laura's blog, click here to read her full post]

There is God, and those who belong to Him, and then there is everyone else, who are under the authority of the ruler of the earth.

There is no middle ground - there are those people and places that are for God's glory, and then there is everything and everyone who are against Him.

As I mentioned in my last blog, this land has been given over to idol worship for thousands of years, and there are real demonic strongholds here. The Thai form of Buddhism is very wrapped up in animism and ancestral worship, and rituals take place daily that invite "spirits" into their bodies, their temples, and their spirit houses. I finally realized - these prayers and offerings are not being given to no one and nothing, but to a very real presence, and it is a presence that strongly opposes the work of my Lord.

It is for this reason that prayer has become increasingly important. Every spirit house, every Wat - of which there are so, so very many - is a reminder that although Christ defeated the enemy on the cross, that victory has not yet been applied to everything and everyone, as it will be at the time of his second coming.

It is my role, as an ambassador for Him, to be a distributor of that victory for which He gave His life.

Every interaction I have with someone in which Jesus is represented, every prayer that is offered up, is pushing back against the evil one's forces through the power of my Savior. Hell has no power when confronted with the power of the King.

It is for this reason, also, that your prayers are so important. First, for your own spiritual protection. As American Christians, we seem to have a different perception of spiritual warfare - we discount it's importance, fierceness, and sometimes even its reality. While Satan cannot touch those whom the Holy Spirit has sealed and cannot cause us to lose our salvation, he can tempt us and intimidate us in an attempt to draw us away from the Lord. He has been successful to do so in my life again and again and it is for one reason - I was not praying. This is not to say that prayer will prevent you from sinning ever again in your life, but it will certainly open up your eyes to the things unseen, connect you to the heart of the Father so that you can discern the difference between His voice and the voices of others, and cause your desires to become like His desires. These are all things that Scripture tells us.

Secondly, for the spiritual protection of your brothers and sisters. The Scriptures also tell us (in 1 Kings and Daniel), that the Lord dispatches angels at His followers' request. Go to battle on behalf of others, and ask God to send angels to battle the oppression of the evil one. I say this partially out of selfish motives - if I could convey exactly what happened last week or felt that I should, I would convince you how much I really need your prayers! There is real oppression here, and it's unlike anything I've ever been exposed to. Please pray that I would stand, that I would not be intimidated, and that I would walk in the confidence of the One who saved me from darkness.

Third, pray for Thailand. This video is a great way to pray through the different issues, and has images that will help you to understand what Thai Buddhism is all about.


  1. Go to Lifepoint Church in Spotsy. Look for the video of when Lisa Terquirst spoke. (Or click on the link on my FB page.) She spoke from 2 Chronicles 20. Jehoshaphat knew all too well about the war between Good and evil. Liz, God is there and He is fighting the battle and He will give the victory. It is His battle. I am praying the name of the Lord over you as you stand firm in sharing the Truth. Maria L.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. God bless, Jen
