Saturday, September 1, 2012

prayer requests.

I have gotten so many notes, messages and emails from you all saying that you are praying for me... thank you! Knowing that you are lifting up Claire, Laura and I in prayer is a huge encouragement to me. So, at the risk of sounding greedy for your prayers, I want to share some specific things that you can pray over.

1. Thai Language School
I completed my first full week yesterday... and it was awesome! Exhausting, but so helpful. It's 4 hours a day, Monday-Friday and it's all in Thai. I'm not particularly gifted in languages, so I know this will be a challenge! Please pray for my brain and for opportunities to build relationships with my classmates (Nino and JohnQweePen)! My first test is Monday...

2. Unity
I know that Satan would love nothing more than to tear apart a God-thing. And I feel like he can't be pleased with Laura, Claire and I all being here and serving the Lord. Please pray that we would continue to be unified and hold up each other in prayer.

3. Relationships
There are two girls that I want to start being more intentional about investing in... I'll call them A and M. Please pray that I have opportunities to pour into them and show them the attractiveness of the Gospel.

4. Term 5
Classes start Tuesday! Having last week off was a much-needed reprieve... but things are starting to wind up again. Please pray that I can figure out a way to balance the curriculum, relationship building and the Gospel in my classroom this term. Term 4 felt like I was trying to get the swing of the system and this term I want to be much more deliberate about those three areas.

5. Thai Leadership
Keep praying for the young Thai believers who are being trained as leaders and missionaries to their people. Ministries here function better (and are better!) under native-leadership. Pray that people like Noo, Aom, Bakery and Turbo will continue to grow and "be disciples who make disciples."

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