Friday, September 20, 2013

baking scones.

The challenge of baking in Bangkok makes culinary victories all the more sweet! Some of you follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter and see my weekly projects at Cafe Boly. This week, I decided instead of just posting pictures of my latest projects, I would share my recipe. Listen, if I can make these in a toaster oven in a closet-turned-kitchen, you can definitely make them!! Be sure to let me know how yours turn out :) And while you eat them... Don't forget to pray for all of us over here in rainy Bangkok!

Recipe: Triple Cinnamon Scones

Dry ingredients:
2 c. flour
2 T. sugar
2 t. baking powder
1 t. cinnamon
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
Other ingredients:
1 stick unsalted butter- cut into chunks and chilled
1/2 c. cinnamon chips
3/4 c. buttermilk- to make it yourself: mix 1 c. milk with 1 T. vinegar and let sit a few minutes. Then measure out 3/4 c.
1 egg- separated
1/4 c. powdered sugar (more if needed)
1/2 t. cinnamon
1-3 t. milk
- Preheat oven to 375F
- Mix together the dry ingredients, then add the chilled butter chunks. You will need either a pastry cutter (or you can try it Thai-style: with two forks!) to work the butter into the dry ingredients. The smaller the pieces, the more cakey your scones will be. The larger the pieces, the more flakey they'll be.
- Whisk the yolk of the egg with the buttermilk.
- Slowly add the buttermilk/egg mixture in with your dry ingredients until wet and tacky (you probably won't use all of it!)
- Stir in the cinnamon chips.
- Turn out the dough on a floured surface- knead approximately 8 times until the dough no longer sticks to your hands and countertop.
- Line a baking tray with wax paper.
- Form a circular disc on the wax paper using the dough. It should be about 1-1.5 inches thick.
- Using a knife, cut the dough into 1/6ths (or 1/8ths depending on how big you'd like them!).
- Brush with egg white.
- Bake for 18-25 minutes.

Once they have cooled, mix the powdered sugar, cinnamon and milk to taste & consistency. Drizzle over finished scones... and enjoy!

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