ECB Women's Prayer Retreat at Hua Hin
[photo credit: Molly] |
Josiah's 2nd Birthday Party... Mickey Mouse style!
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[Josiah and his parents: Jen & David McCaman] |
But, back to baby showers and birthdays (there is a point to this, I promise!). One of the things that my church here does really well, is bringing people along in their celebrating. They use baby showers, birthday and farewell parties as opportunities for outreach and discipleship. In America, baby showers are across-the-board by invitation only. You have to know the expectant mom. Not so here. At every event we've had this month there have been new people who have dropped in or been invited by a mutual friend. Some of whom have never even met the person for which the party is being thrown! Because most of these celebrations occur at church, it gives people a chance to come to church, but more importantly to connect with the Church. For some, these "parties" were just the thing they needed to start building relationships and get connected.
Farewell Party for the Kyle & the Hathcocks
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[photo credit: Vann] |
Don't get me wrong, LifePoint does have programs to specifically engage the lost... but there is also something so beautiful in simply bringing people along for your celebrations. To allow them to see authentic believers living in community and joy. Serving, not only a country, but also each other. I have no statistics on this, but I imagine this is pretty attractive and winsome to people who are seeking love and purpose.
Robot-themed shower for baby Plunkett!
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[photo credit: Brittany] |
This is something I want to bring back with me to America. There is very little "privacy" in warm-climate cultures like Thailand... invitations are open for everyone and there is less of a "preferential list" mentality. There are just people. And all are invited. I don't have Luke 14:12-14 completely worked out (okay, or even close to worked out...), but I think this is a good place to start.
Happy 9 months! <3."Then Jesus said to his host, 'When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.'"
Oh my...God is using your words to stir my heart, thank you! Praying for you!