Friday, December 14, 2012

[month six]

6 whole months. You know what that means... time for another eclectic update!

I now have a new title, call me Aunt/ie Liz! My brother and sister-in-law welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Adalyn Christine, into the world on 12/10/12. Everyone is so excited... and needless to say, Nathan is tickled pink about being an "uncle" at 11 years old. My parents went to the hospital to hold her and take pictures, like the proud grandparents they are!

[My 'lil niece!]
Christmas is in full season here. While it remains a corporate holiday-- meaning that malls and businesses decorate in the seasonal trimmings-- it is not celebrated individually. I found out on Wednesday from one of my students that he's never had what we would consider a "typical" Christmas morning. Here, they still have class, still go to work, it's a normal Tuesday. Which is sad, not just because Christmas is loads of fun, but because they have no understanding of the true meaning of Christmas! So, believe me when I say, I've been finding ways to work it into every conversation!

I've made it a personal mission to bring a bit of Christmas cheer to the BSC guesthouse... and specifically my room. Which, Claire has dubbed "Christmas Town". 

[Our little tinsel-ed out Christmas tree/bush]
We also received a giant package from Encounter! It is currently sitting under our tree and awaiting it's opening debut in a week and a half. We have the best church and college/singles group. They were and continue to be a blessing, even from 12 time zones away. Love them all!

[After finding their package on my desk!]
Anddd, (we're still on the topic of Christmas) Claire and I went with Dani and our Thai friend "Tar" to a Christmas orchestra concert at ECB last week! The only thing that would have made it better would have been if Cynthia, Candice and Lauren were in the orchestra playing... but it was fun and a well done performance. There were over 20 different nationalities represented in the choir and orchestra! How's that for diversity?

[Claire and I on our way to the concert]
[The choir at the Messiah Performance]
This is the last week of teaching classes at the BSC until the January term (Term 1). It's bittersweet, because my classes this term have been phenomenal. I feel like I've clicked well with my students, and they seem to be learning and enjoying class... so thankful that God allowed me to have this combination of students this term! I loved being able to share not just English with them, but also, in many of my classes, the Gospel. Some of my students have even come to outside-of-class activities like Friday Night Life.

Tonight was my last night with my Thursday- Level 7 class, and they wanted to take a group picture! Which, I wish I'd thought of doing 6 months ago! Here are a few of the faces that have become a familiar and welcome part of my week.

Thai school finishes up on Tuesday... This module has been so challenging. I think I can feel my brain forming new ridges every day in class. Everything I am learning is so relevant to every-day conversations, it's just a matter of retaining four hours of information, and then adding to it day after day. My final test is 12/18 if you have a moment to pray for me. After a lifetime of taking tests in school, they still make me nervous!

For those of you praying for me, here are some other specific things to lift up:
- LifePoint is having a big Christmas Party on the 21st. There will be food and carols and a gift swap (typical Christmas shenanigans), but also a presentation of the Gospel. Please pray that God brings the people who He wants touched. Pray also that the believers who are there will be able to connect and reach out to all the new faces. Pray also that the Gospel will be clearly presented and interpreted in a way that will connect with lives.
- The BSC is having some upcoming events as well: The Christmas Fun Fair and the Big Hearted Christmas Party. There is always a big turn out for these special events- please ask that God would prompt conversations and place questions in the hearts of the Thais that come.
- Please pray for the girls in my life who I am trying to reach out with the Gospel to. God has given me opportunities to really get to know some of my former students better and spend time with them. One of them in particular is open to hearing about the Gospel and has even come to church a few times. Please pray that she finds satisfaction in nothing less than Christ. (And you can pray that for me as well!)
- Please pray for my walk with the Lord. It is easy to get busy for God, get busy in ministry, and just get busy doing. If anything, it's easier to be busy here because the field is so large and there is much to be watered and weeded. Pray that God gives me the power to protect my time with Him. That I be, before I do.
So, there's your lengthy catch-up re-cap! What a blessing each of you are in my life. I love being able to share what you are a part of by supporting me... and also hearing about how God is using you where you are (more on that in my next post!). Thank you so much for your love, your prayers and your faithful support... until next post! 


  1. Sweet, Liz! I am joining you in prayer that the Gospel would be so clear and that eyes would be open to the truth~ especially in the midst of a CHRISTmas party. I pray the blessing of Nehemiah 1:11 over you. Hugs from VA! Maria L

  2. What a great post! We are so proud of you and all that you are doing. It will not be the same Christmas here without you, but you are bringing the joy to the other side of the world, and that is pretty cool too. Love you, Dad

  3. What a cute baby (not that I'm biased or anything!) Wish you were here to celebrate Xmas with us and meet Addie! :) Hope you get our gift soon- we sent it around Thanksgiving so fingers crossed that it gets there in time!
    ~Peter, Sara and Adalyn
