Monday, October 15, 2012

[month four]

I feel like I just wrote my "month three" post... It's hard to believe it's time for another one already!

This morning I was able to catch up on a lot of the correspondence that has fallen to the wayside over the past few weeks. It was so refreshing to block off a chunk of time and be able to write real emails to folks and catch them up a bit on life here. I love getting mail and I do try to be responsible and reply to it all. In addition to catching up on emails, I also dropped off my absentee ballot, went for a run and painted half of my fingernails. What more could you want from a day off?

...Besides getting caught up on laundry. My room looks like the laundry monster threw up all over it. (In my defense, I am currently sharing one washer/dryer with 13 other people!) But today, today is also the day it all gets washed, and, if I'm feeling ambitious, perhaps even folded and put away.

Running and training for the Half-Marathon is going well. Some days are really hard, but I am making progress and I count every long-run completed as a total miracle! I'm in my 14th week of training, with only 5 weeks until the race. If you would like to sponsor my run (which is to benefit the Kelley's adoption) click here to read more! My goal is to raise $500, and as of today, almost $300 has already been pledged!

Term 6 ended on Saturday and we have three weeks before the next term starts (although two of those weeks I'll be busy with mini-course). This term was different from others because the majority of my time was spent tutoring rather than in a classroom setting. It was a nice change of pace and I love having that opportunity to get to know students on an individual basis.

[Some snapshots from the first week of mini-course]
I finished my first "pleasure read" since I arrive in Thailand... The Hobbit. Wan, one of the girls I tutor, wanted to practice reading, so I picked the book! While we didn't get through it all during our time, I did finish it on my own. The last time I read it was when I was in middle school, so it was like reading it for the first time. I'm looking forward to the first movie installment coming out this December!

So, there's a little update on Liz. Overall, I'm very happy here! God is teaching me so much about myself, ministry and what it means to love others. I love having Laura and Claire with me as well... it has been wonderful to be able to process and grow with them. While I can't believe we're 1/3 through our first year here, I am so grateful for all that God has done and is doing. Please keep us in your prayers, and thank you so much for your continued support and partnership!

[Some of our Thai, American & Australian friends at the BSC... after one of the Friday Night Programs]

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