Louie Giglio recently tweeted, "
It might be less about 'what' you're doing and more about the character you're letting God shape in you while you do it."
Thank you, Louie, for successfully articulating my last year of growth and lessons into 140 characters or less.
[drop the mic] |
So often,
so often, we get caught up in the "what" we are doing for God. Is it flashy enough? Spiritual enough? Relevant enough? We believe this lie that we have to get to a certain place or be doing a certain thing to have "meaningful ministry." Or perhaps we believe the lie that if it's hard, it's not where we're "supposed" to be. It's actually relatively easy to sabotage the work that our Father wants to do in us by missing the point: that the work He wants to do is
in us.
Yes, God wants us to be obedient. But ultimately, we're going to be usable vessels when we are conformed in His likeness... Which will happen when we allow ourselves to be changed and sanctified and participate in that process.
As long as we're tied to these bones, we're going to struggle. But let's make it a struggle about the "how" and not the "what." Instead of getting our panties in a bunch about where we're serving or what we're doing, let's just do it! Wherever you are, be there. Be a missionary. Be obedient. Use your gifts. And see what God teaches you in the process. It's not about arriving at a perfect place and
then being able to serve. It's about serving where God has, in His sovereignty,
already placed you.
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