Well, I've been in Bangkok 2 full days now... and it feels like I've been back weeks with all that's been crammed into each day! It's quite the juggling act between scrapping up every bit of free time I can with Claire before she leaves, helping orientate Steph, and handling my own responsibilities (unpacking, my annual work permit blood test, laundry, etc.) all while incredibly, incredibly jet lagged. I barely trust myself to write anything at the moment, exhaustion and sleeping meds aren't a recipe for brilliance... but I did want to let everyone know that we made it here safely and are adjusting again to the noises, smells and cuisine of the city :)
I am so blessed to have had this last year with Claire and am also looking forward to this next 6 months with Steph. I don't know what the rest of this year will hold, but I am confident in this, that He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion (Phil 1:6).
For all of you who faithfully lift me and my sisters up in prayer, thank you! Here are some specific ways you can be praying for us in the next few days.
I will try to post again this weekend or early next week with more substantial details and stories... and pictures. Claire has been faithfully documenting everything on her camera, so I'll have to find a way to borrow some of her pictures from this week for my blog! Everything feels like a whirlwind at the moment because Claire is leaving on Sunday (she'll be stopping over for a week in Germany to visit her sister on her way back to the US) and will arrive in Dulles on July 7th.
I am so blessed to have had this last year with Claire and am also looking forward to this next 6 months with Steph. I don't know what the rest of this year will hold, but I am confident in this, that He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion (Phil 1:6).
For all of you who faithfully lift me and my sisters up in prayer, thank you! Here are some specific ways you can be praying for us in the next few days.
Prayer Requests:
- Jet-lag... this is a real thing. I'm currently waffling between feeling like I'm swimming in a fog and/or like I was hit by a bus (and Steph is feeling a little cloudy too). So please pray that our sleep schedules become normal and that our bodies are able to adjust quickly!
- Claire as she is packing and wrapping things up in Bangkok. Pray that God would give her good closure, sweet time with friends, and continue to prepare her heart for the next season He has for her.
- Steph as she is transitioning into life in the big city! There is a lot to learn and absorb, and it can easily become overwhelming. She's been a great sport so far, though :)
- For logistics to be worked out smoothly. Claire and I have to make a trip to Immigration to do some paperwork (I'll be renewing my work permit and Claire will be wrapping things up). Steph is working on getting a new phone as her current phone doesn't have a sim-card and can't be used here. Claire is packing/re-packing and weighing bags. And I need to organize some material for a new-teacher orientation class I'm teaching on Monday!
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