Claire and I are going to Thailand as independent volunteers/ missionaries/ teachers. However, we are serving in a ministry partnership that has been established by our church (Spotswood Baptist) and with the blessing of our pastors and church. While in Thailand, we will be working for IMB missionary, John Lapos, and working at the BSC which is supported by the SBC cooperative. In Thailand, there are not "Southern Baptist" churches-- instead, they call themselves "Thai Baptists". That being said, the SBC is in partnership with Thai Baptists, and they are in agreement with their Statement of Faith.
Because we are going independently (as opposed to being sent by the SBC cooperative), we are responsible for independently raising our support for while we are in Thailand. This is why having monthly sponsors is so crucial to our support. Spotswood has been incredibly gracious and generous in providing us with opportunities to fund-raise, however, the bulk of our support will still come from people like you who decide to donate on a recurring monthly basis.