First news first.
You all have a new sister in Christ!! My friend, Jum, who I posted about previously-- decided today to follow Jesus and surrender her life to Him. Jum had an appointment to meet with Jill (IMB) today, and she asked me to join her. I was humbled and ecstatic. During that time Jill went over, in Thai, the Gospel. As she explained her way through, Jum was nodding and affirming what Jill shared. At the end, Jum prayed and began her new life as a child of God! God is faithful. Praise Him who removes the scales to allow the blind to see!
Second news second.
This week I've baked over 200 cupcakes, plus cookies and sheet cakes. I'm in a losing battle with my dishes. My bed has been turned into a giant cooling rack. And I've never bought (or had Steph buy for me!) more butter in my life... but it's been totally worth it!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (tonight), and Thursday are party days. And what's a party without cake and games?? Tonight Steph and I merged our classes for a group competition of Jeopardy and Minute-To-Win-It! I headed up the cake and Steph mastered the games. It was really fun to get to have a more relaxed environment for our last Wednesday class of the term.
Here are some pictures from this evening :)
[Boss and Poy are my 1:00 Wednesday Class] |
[Minute-To-Win-It: "Mummy"] |
[Minute-To-Win-It: "Face the Cookie"] |
[Minute-To-Win-It: "Bite Me"] |
[Minute-To-Win-It: "Card Ninja"] |
[Some of my 5:00 Wednesday class] |
[Some of my 7:00 Wednesday class] |
[Beam and Ton] |
Last, but not least!
After classes, Steph and I met up with my friend Air to say our goodbyes. I met Air through a guy named Supot, who tutored Claire and I in Thai before we came to Thailand.
[Air, Steph and I at "After You" dessert cafe] |
It's been a busy/full/fun/emotional day to say the least! But I'm thankful that everything got fit in and finished :) Another day down. Only one more "sleep" left in Bangkok after tonight!
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