Occasionally, I have fleeting moments of guilt when I have experiences ripped straight from the pages of National Geographic or the Lonely Planet Guide. Here I am, half-way around the world, a missionary (admit it, you just imagined a mud hut and bucket shower)... But in this journey, I have also been given singularly incredible opportunities to revel in God's magnificent creation.
Yesterday in my quiet time, I read the following verse from 1 Timothy 6:17b, "...Put [your] hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." I think that as long as God is in His proper place, as the giver and provider of the beauty in His creation, it's okay to enjoy it. In fact, he
wants us to! Pastor Doug used to always pray that "God would enjoy watching us enjoy His creation." Well, enjoy it, we did!
Today I had the privilege of spending the whole day with three of the folks in my small group and one of their friends in the
Lopburi province.
[L-R: Jum, Jo, Aey, Thep and I] |
The day started off visiting an area famous for their beautiful sunflowers. We found out upon arrival that we were a week early... but some of the flowers had bloomed, so we took advantage of them in our photo op!
After that, we had lunch on a canal... actually on the canal.
[The "bridge" to our floating lunch] |
[Jum, Aey and her husband, Thep and I] |
[Finished... and full!] |
After that, we went to a dam, where I purchased some fresh sunflower seeds (if you come to Spotswood on Dec. 15th, maybe I'll share!). Then it was off to our unplanned dayscursion adventure at...
Monkey Temple! I'm not sure why "give a monkey a piggy back ride" never made it on my bucket list... (what was I thinking!??) It's now there
and checked off.
The highlight of my day was definitely the wonderful company I was with... but the monkeys were a close second! ;)
[The Guardian of Monkey Temple] |
[Jum and the baby monkeys. They were in search of new friends... or more food!] |
[Jo and the monkeys] |
[They were everywhere... on the streets outside, climbing poles, in apartment windows, crazy!] |
[I was taking a picture of some of the monkeys when this one jumped on my leg!] |
[Monkeys got the memo, free rides for all!] |
Can I just reiterate how happy I am that God made monkeys? What a lovely lot of creatures. I am so thankful for the sweet friends God has given me here, who treated me to such an incredible day. I am so blessed.
Prayer Request: Our entire small group will be going to spend the afternoon together tomorrow (Sunday). Please pray that God would open up conversations about Himself, and that He would continue to bind us together as a group. I am hoping this trip will really help them to connect with Matt and Alli, as they'll be leading once I leave.
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