Thursday, December 20, 2012

same same.

I didn't expect very much coming to Thailand, after all, expectations are the mother of disappointment. I knew that it'd be hard work and that being a missionary wasn't glamorous... but a few Sundays ago it struck me again how normal missions really is.

At LifePoint, we pray that God would use us where we are to impact the people He's placed in our lives. We hold each other accountable to be intentional in sharing the Gospel in our relationships with others. We even have to challenge one another as to whether or not we are investing in lost people. Sound familiar?

Before coming to Thailand, I heard a pastor share that you have no business going overseas if you're not willing to go across the street, because location fundamentally changes nothing. Whether we are believers in our hometown, homecountry, or abroad, our mission and prayers are the same: to carry the Name of Christ to lost people.

Our fears are the same: Will this compromise a relationship? Do I sound like I'm crazy? Will they feel uncomfortable? Are they understanding me? What if...?

Our struggles are the same: Fighting against sin, pride and self sufficiency. Sacrificially loving our neighbors and the hard-to-love people in our lives. Protecting God-time from the ever-encroaching infringement of ministry- and me-time. Practicing spiritual disciplines. Warring legalism. Dying to self.

Our questions are the same: Am I living an attractional life? If yes, then am I putting words to the difference they see in me? Am I making a difference? Am I doing all that I can be doing? Am I investing in the right people in the right ways? Am I "doing" instead of loving? Is this God or is this me?

There's an expression in Thailand, "Same same, but different." At first, being here felt very different from America. Ministry felt different; church felt different; work felt different. Now, with the sensory overload that is Bangkok beginning to die down, I'm seeing that it's all the same. I'm trying to "share the Gospel where I live, work and play" (credit: Doug) and so are all my brothers and sisters at Encounter, at Spotswood, at FCS, etc.

I'm not "the missionary" because I have a blog, or because I'm in Thailand or because I signed a dotted line... I'm a missionary because I am a Christian. The same is true of all my brothers and sisters in Christ, you are missionaries also. We are all working together, side-by-side, on the same field, for the same purpose and the same God. I thank God for each of you, wherever you are, who is faithfully and fearlessly making known the mystery of the Gospel.
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." 1 Peter 2:9-10
[For an encouraging and powerful rendition of this passage, check out Matt Papa's song "1 Peter Song." The middle (2:25) is my favorite part!]


  1. This was really encouraging, Liz. Even across the world, you're still the best at that :)

  2. Thanks Liz. I am encouraged by your post too! I can't wait to hear about all that God is doing with you in Thailand. Hope to see you in April!
