This morning I had the singular opportunity to share with my church family (in two minutes) about GotLife-- what it is to me and why I participate in it. It felt very surreal. The only thing that felt real was the flip flopping of my stomach and general sense of nausea before going up to the stage each service. But God is so faithful.
Last night I had everything typed out and timed for what I wanted to say... but I felt unsettled about it. So, I prayed, went back through it again, gutted all but a few sentences and started over. I love getting on my soapbox about different topics, but that was not the point of this morning. I wasn't asked to give a sermon or to take over for the Holy Spirit and convict people. I was just asked to tell my story and let God do what He does best. And that is what I tried to do.
It was a very weighty thing to be given the mic and asked to share about something that is so central to the heart of God... sharing His Good News. I feel very humbled that I was asked to share, and I hope that as broken a vessel as I am, that Christ shined through. But after mulling this over for weeks, I am so glad it is behind me.
I am looking forward to a restful sleep tonight! :)
You did a fabulous job! I know that the church was challenged and encouraged by your eloquent words and honesty. Thankyou for being obedient to share!