Wednesday, December 26, 2012

vlog: christmas

To: Encounter
<3: Liz & Claire

Thank you so much for the lovely, perfect package! In not-Thai-tradition we recorded opening it for your entertainment... if you are not from Encounter, feel free to skip to the end for a special Christmas surprise!

[Merry Christmas!]

christmas day.

[Disclaimer: What follows is the summarized rendition of my Christmas Eve & Day here in Thailand. Whether or not you have time (or interest) in reading all of it, know that I'm wishing you a very merry Christmas. Enjoy!]

Merry Christmas from Thailand!

The people walking in darkness
    have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
    a light has dawned.
You have enlarged the nation
    and increased their joy;
they rejoice before you
    as people rejoice at the harvest,
as warriors rejoice
    when dividing the plunder.
For as in the day of Midian’s defeat,
    you have shattered
the yoke that burdens them,
    the bar across their shoulders,
    the rod of their oppressor.
Every warrior’s boot used in battle
    and every garment rolled in blood
will be destined for burning,
    will be fuel for the fire.
For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace
    there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
    and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
    with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
    will accomplish this.

These words from Isaiah 9 scrolled across the screen at ECB during the Christmas Eve service. It was a timely reminder, that in Christ the yoke that burdens us has been shattered. I love that image. The image of Christ not only coming as a baby, but as a warrior, destroying eliminating shattering the bar across our shoulders. The bar of "good works." The bar of self-righteousness. The bar that is so high that "all fall short" (Rom. 3:23). 

The evening was full of Christmas songs and Scripture, culminating in the candle lighting and a challenge to not only be the light, but also to carry and spread the light of Christ to the dark places and nations. Since LifePoint did not have a service, a lot of the LifePointers went to ECB to celebrate Christmas Eve. Among them, were Noo and Aom, who joined us for a chicken-pot-pie feast beforehand homemade by Claire!

[Claire, Noo, Aom and I at the ECB service]
[LifePoint at ECB!] 

After the Christmas Eve service, Claire and I went back to the BSC guesthouse to do a little pajama swap. I got Claire a cute pair of multi-purpose pajamas, and she got me Batman pajamas... complete with some polka-dotted shorts from Second Chance, a ministry to help provide employment for the women in the slums of Klong Toey.

Our division of labor this year was that Claire would take care of Christmas Eve, and I would prepare Christmas morning... so while she was dreaming of dancing sugarplums, I was wrapping, baking, and preparing for the morning! Here's the decorated living room (yes, the walls are pink, and no, they will not be staying pink for much longer!):

And no Swauger-run Christmas morning would be complete without Jewish coffee cake and a bacon-egg casserole! Claire also had made a request for fresh coconut milk, and, since this is Thailand, she got her Christmas wish :)

[Table decorations provided by Aunt Tammy!]
Christmas morning was so much fun! Claire and I exchanged gifts, and opened packages sent from friends back home. Claire surprised me with handwritten notes collected from people in America and Thailand... which was incredibly sweet and I loved having the letters to open over the course of the morning! After we ate, unwrapped and cleaned up, we met up with Meleah (an IMB journeyman and friend of ours) and headed over to the Lapos' for brunch!

[Me, Claire and Meleah riding the Airport Rail Link to the Lapos']
After a few hours at the Lapos' (and plates of delicious food later...) we headed back to the BSC for some down time. And, after a refreshing 3-hour nap, it was off to the VanDyke's for Christmas dinner with their family and the Hathcocks. Which was, as always, so much fun.

So many of you sent notes, packages, emails, texts wishing me a Merry Christmas... Thank you! You really helped make this Christmas (my first one away from home) special and memorable.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

same same.

I didn't expect very much coming to Thailand, after all, expectations are the mother of disappointment. I knew that it'd be hard work and that being a missionary wasn't glamorous... but a few Sundays ago it struck me again how normal missions really is.

At LifePoint, we pray that God would use us where we are to impact the people He's placed in our lives. We hold each other accountable to be intentional in sharing the Gospel in our relationships with others. We even have to challenge one another as to whether or not we are investing in lost people. Sound familiar?

Before coming to Thailand, I heard a pastor share that you have no business going overseas if you're not willing to go across the street, because location fundamentally changes nothing. Whether we are believers in our hometown, homecountry, or abroad, our mission and prayers are the same: to carry the Name of Christ to lost people.

Our fears are the same: Will this compromise a relationship? Do I sound like I'm crazy? Will they feel uncomfortable? Are they understanding me? What if...?

Our struggles are the same: Fighting against sin, pride and self sufficiency. Sacrificially loving our neighbors and the hard-to-love people in our lives. Protecting God-time from the ever-encroaching infringement of ministry- and me-time. Practicing spiritual disciplines. Warring legalism. Dying to self.

Our questions are the same: Am I living an attractional life? If yes, then am I putting words to the difference they see in me? Am I making a difference? Am I doing all that I can be doing? Am I investing in the right people in the right ways? Am I "doing" instead of loving? Is this God or is this me?

There's an expression in Thailand, "Same same, but different." At first, being here felt very different from America. Ministry felt different; church felt different; work felt different. Now, with the sensory overload that is Bangkok beginning to die down, I'm seeing that it's all the same. I'm trying to "share the Gospel where I live, work and play" (credit: Doug) and so are all my brothers and sisters at Encounter, at Spotswood, at FCS, etc.

I'm not "the missionary" because I have a blog, or because I'm in Thailand or because I signed a dotted line... I'm a missionary because I am a Christian. The same is true of all my brothers and sisters in Christ, you are missionaries also. We are all working together, side-by-side, on the same field, for the same purpose and the same God. I thank God for each of you, wherever you are, who is faithfully and fearlessly making known the mystery of the Gospel.
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." 1 Peter 2:9-10
[For an encouraging and powerful rendition of this passage, check out Matt Papa's song "1 Peter Song." The middle (2:25) is my favorite part!]

Friday, December 14, 2012

[month six]

6 whole months. You know what that means... time for another eclectic update!

I now have a new title, call me Aunt/ie Liz! My brother and sister-in-law welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Adalyn Christine, into the world on 12/10/12. Everyone is so excited... and needless to say, Nathan is tickled pink about being an "uncle" at 11 years old. My parents went to the hospital to hold her and take pictures, like the proud grandparents they are!

[My 'lil niece!]
Christmas is in full season here. While it remains a corporate holiday-- meaning that malls and businesses decorate in the seasonal trimmings-- it is not celebrated individually. I found out on Wednesday from one of my students that he's never had what we would consider a "typical" Christmas morning. Here, they still have class, still go to work, it's a normal Tuesday. Which is sad, not just because Christmas is loads of fun, but because they have no understanding of the true meaning of Christmas! So, believe me when I say, I've been finding ways to work it into every conversation!

I've made it a personal mission to bring a bit of Christmas cheer to the BSC guesthouse... and specifically my room. Which, Claire has dubbed "Christmas Town". 

[Our little tinsel-ed out Christmas tree/bush]
We also received a giant package from Encounter! It is currently sitting under our tree and awaiting it's opening debut in a week and a half. We have the best church and college/singles group. They were and continue to be a blessing, even from 12 time zones away. Love them all!

[After finding their package on my desk!]
Anddd, (we're still on the topic of Christmas) Claire and I went with Dani and our Thai friend "Tar" to a Christmas orchestra concert at ECB last week! The only thing that would have made it better would have been if Cynthia, Candice and Lauren were in the orchestra playing... but it was fun and a well done performance. There were over 20 different nationalities represented in the choir and orchestra! How's that for diversity?

[Claire and I on our way to the concert]
[The choir at the Messiah Performance]
This is the last week of teaching classes at the BSC until the January term (Term 1). It's bittersweet, because my classes this term have been phenomenal. I feel like I've clicked well with my students, and they seem to be learning and enjoying class... so thankful that God allowed me to have this combination of students this term! I loved being able to share not just English with them, but also, in many of my classes, the Gospel. Some of my students have even come to outside-of-class activities like Friday Night Life.

Tonight was my last night with my Thursday- Level 7 class, and they wanted to take a group picture! Which, I wish I'd thought of doing 6 months ago! Here are a few of the faces that have become a familiar and welcome part of my week.

Thai school finishes up on Tuesday... This module has been so challenging. I think I can feel my brain forming new ridges every day in class. Everything I am learning is so relevant to every-day conversations, it's just a matter of retaining four hours of information, and then adding to it day after day. My final test is 12/18 if you have a moment to pray for me. After a lifetime of taking tests in school, they still make me nervous!

For those of you praying for me, here are some other specific things to lift up:
- LifePoint is having a big Christmas Party on the 21st. There will be food and carols and a gift swap (typical Christmas shenanigans), but also a presentation of the Gospel. Please pray that God brings the people who He wants touched. Pray also that the believers who are there will be able to connect and reach out to all the new faces. Pray also that the Gospel will be clearly presented and interpreted in a way that will connect with lives.
- The BSC is having some upcoming events as well: The Christmas Fun Fair and the Big Hearted Christmas Party. There is always a big turn out for these special events- please ask that God would prompt conversations and place questions in the hearts of the Thais that come.
- Please pray for the girls in my life who I am trying to reach out with the Gospel to. God has given me opportunities to really get to know some of my former students better and spend time with them. One of them in particular is open to hearing about the Gospel and has even come to church a few times. Please pray that she finds satisfaction in nothing less than Christ. (And you can pray that for me as well!)
- Please pray for my walk with the Lord. It is easy to get busy for God, get busy in ministry, and just get busy doing. If anything, it's easier to be busy here because the field is so large and there is much to be watered and weeded. Pray that God gives me the power to protect my time with Him. That I be, before I do.
So, there's your lengthy catch-up re-cap! What a blessing each of you are in my life. I love being able to share what you are a part of by supporting me... and also hearing about how God is using you where you are (more on that in my next post!). Thank you so much for your love, your prayers and your faithful support... until next post! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

bsc website.

This will be a short post, I promise! In September I posted about helping the BSC in their efforts to build a new website that would be specifically geared towards English-speaking volunteers (be that prospective mission-trippers or longer term volunteers). Since posting that, I have slowly been making headway. It has been a big project, bigger because I'm learning as I go along, but! I'm happy to announce that while it is not yet completely filled out, it did have it's official launch today.

If you'd like to see one of the projects I've been working on, or what the BSC's been up to, check out our new site! And if you're particularly gifted in building websites, feel free to email me any suggestions you may have. It's still very much a work in progress, but I'm excited to see how God uses it to help aid in communication with prayer warriors and supporters stateside.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

father's day.

"It's not Father's Day!" I hear you saying... but here in Thailand, Mother's Day and Father's Day are celebrated on the Queen and King of Thailand's birthdays, respectively. As the King was born December 5th, today is Father's Day!

Each day of the week is assigned a different color (ideally, that should be worn, but most people don't abide by that). Since the King was born on a Monday, his color is yellow. So, today, the entire country wore yellow in honor of their King.

[Proof. I took this while walking up the steps to the BTS]
It was something to see... and a little surreal, like being a part of some huge flashmob. In the morning, the King made an appearance, so everyone was travelling to see him (it was his 85th birthday, and as he has been hospitalized for quite a while now, it was a big deal). Truck-loads of people. Everywhere.

[Everyone gathered to see the King. Photo credit: Bangkok Post]
This morning, I took Claire to my favorite park (Suan Rot Fai) and as we were in our workout clothes, we weren't wearing yellow. We stuck out like a sore thumb. However, we did take a little post-run photo op with one of the shrines/monuments/things to the King.

Almost everyone in Thailand (including me!) had the day off today, so there were plenty of people milling around everywhere we went. After our run and cleaning up, I decided to try (take 2!) to find lanterns to light. One of the guys at the guesthouse graciously offered to accompany me on my quest so I wasn't wandering around Bangkok alone at night. (I share that for the peace of mind of my mom and grandma!)

And, after a cab ride, a run in with the police and a crazy tuk-tuk ride home, I'm happy to announce that I am back, safe and sound, with my 1st Thailand "Bucket List" experience checked off. (I only have 2 on my list, the other is to ride an elephant!)

[Bucket List Item: lighting a paper lantern]
If you've ever seen Tangled, you may be able to understand my excitement to light one of these lanterns... Well, here's my proof from the evening! Done in memory of Laura Landry (aka: LaLa) as she would have accompanied me had she stayed another month. Miss you, LaLa!

[The lantern... pre-lit]
[Anddd, after lighting it! Waiting for it to warm up enough to fly away]
[That's my lantern! Yay!]

Friday, November 30, 2012

loi krathong.

One of the things that is fun and frustrating about cross-cultural missions is that, the culture. Sometimes I wish I could just pop into a Thai's head for a day and figure out everything that doesn't make apparent sense to my westernized mind. But, it doesn't work like that. It's a slow process, and there is a lot to learn. The good news is, that we foreigners do have opportunities to observe Thai holidays and traditions, which are a big part of Thai culture.

Most recently, that holiday was Loi Krathong. The short version is that it is a festival to thank and pay respects to the water spirits... and to apologize for polluting it throughout the year. It takes place any and everywhere there is water on the first full moon of the 12th month of the Thai lunar calendar (Nov 28th this year).

I tagged along with Meleah, one of the IMB Journeymen here, and some of her Thai friends to see what it was all about. After short ride on the BTS and a longer ride on the back of a motorcycle taxi, we arrived at Chula University. While there, we bought some "fai yen" (sparklers) and had some fun lighting them up... after all, what is a celebration without a little fire?

Each department (which, they call "faculties") made a decorative krathong for the festival. Here are a couple pictures of the more elaborate ones... made from fresh flowers and plants, so they're all bio-degradeable. That didn't matter as much for these as they didn't make it to the water, but usually it does. No one fishes the krathongs out of the water the next morning, so they need to be able to decompose quickly and naturally. Else polluting the river as an act of apology becomes counter-productive I suppose.

On the one hand, it was a fun and beautiful festival. There was lots of live music, food stands everywhere, people laughing, taking pictures, lighting sparklers and playing games. But on the other hand, it was so sad. The holiday is also a way for Thais to "release" their bad emotions (thoughts, anger, sin) by symbolically putting them on their krathong and let them float away. Their hope is that they can reduce their suffering by placing their sins on these small flower-like boats. So as they pushed the krathongs, lit with candles, out into the water, it clearly illuminated the number of people whose faith was in something other than Christ. 

Please continue to pray for the Thais, that their hope would not be placed in a krathong or a ritual, but in the person of Jesus Christ.
"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'" John 8:12

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Well, the Lifepoint Thanksgiving was a huge success!! Over 20 people were packed into the VanDykes' home, each person bringing a special Thanksgiving dish to share, complete with...surprise! A real turkey! Steve VanDyke also managed to record the Macy's Day Parade and one of the football games that aired this year... (the Lions game, or the Tigers, or Bears... oh my!) Because what would Thanksgiving be without some floats and football in the background?

Over and over I kept feeling so grateful and thankful for the family that God has given me here. He didn't just send Claire and I to Bangkok to live and work in isolation, He has connected us with a wonderful church and a real spiritual family as well. In some ways it feels like we have many families here... there is the guest-house family that changes frequently as teams come and go and as long-term volunteers and employees filter in and out. There is our BSC family, made up of the teachers and volunteers we work with on a daily basis. There is our LifePoint family. And there is our Spotswood family, who, even though they lag 12 time zones behind us, still manage to consistently encourage and bless us. And, of course, there is my real family also... who sends me treats from home, includes me via skype in family events and consistently supports, loves and prays for me.

I am so blessed.

So when I saw this "thankfulness tree" at LifePoint this morning, there was no question in my mind what I should write on my slip. I am thankful that God puts us in families. I am thankful that we're not left to struggle through our faith and our life alone. I'm thankful that even though The Church is spread throughout the world, we are all the same family, with the same Father. I am thankful that God gives us a place to belong.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

happy thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving started this morning at 5:30 am, with a quick 3 mile run at the park. This was followed by showering and heading to Thai school to arrive promptly at 8:00 am. Classes went until 12:00 pm, after which I hopped on the BTS to Arie station to visit an International grocery store (Villa) to buy supplies for the Saturday-Thanksgiving-Feast with our LifePoint family. The store had 1 of my 12 items needed, so I proceeded to go back to the BTS and head home, stopping on the way at my usual grocery store. This is Thailand, so I had to make some on-the-fly recipe changes based on availability. Despite having to google the difference between active dry yeast and instant yeast and look up pictures of oatmeal to have a clerk help me locate it, I was able to find all but one ingredient I needed. Backpack loaded, I walked home, unloaded and started some laundry. It is currently 2:00 pm, and I have 3 hours to prep for class and make an apple crisp before tonight's class at 5:00 pm. After my two classes, it will be 8:30 pm, and I will have to fold my laundry, finish my Thai homework, make 2 more apple crisps and go to bed. 

Whew. Not my typical turkey/football/Bondathon Thanksgiving!

But, despite it being a crazy-hectic couple of days, God has given me some funny moments this week to smile about. Even when things are not as idyllic as I would like, there is still plenty to be thankful for...

Like friends who make you laugh and coin words like "purse jerky". (Credit for that one goes to Claire, who saw me sneaking a piece of jerky from my purse during church... but it was after the half-marathon and I was hungry!) Or embarrassing teaching moments. Like when Dani called one of our students by the nickname we gave him (that he doesn't know about) instead of his real name. Multiple times. Whoops.

What else am I thankful for?

I'm thankful that God woke me up in time to get to class every day this week, even after I slept through my alarms.

I'm thankful that I've been able to make some friends at Thai class... so it's not like high school lunch all over again.

I'm thankful for being invited to spend time with women I respect.

I'm thankful I can go see a movie and get popcorn for under $5!

I'm thankful to have plans to celebrate Thanksgiving (albeit on Saturday, but still!)

I'm thankful for unexpected messages from old friends.

I'm thankful to the Half-Marathon folks for giving me a free shirt, free bag and free tiger-balm strips after the race (I love me some free stuff)!

I'm thankful for the app LINE, so that my family and I can text for free internationally.

& I'm thankful for thoughtful friends who leave gifts like this on my doorknob:

So... To all my American friends: Hope you and your family have a wonderful day! I am so thankful to have each of you in my life. Much love coming your way!
We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone. See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people. Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thess 5:14-18

Monday, November 19, 2012


[A newsletter will be sent out before the end of 11/20 with details on how folks who pledged can make their donation through YouCaring.]

After months of training, three days of carb-loading and hydrating, November 18th arrived. Race-day. I was nervous, excited, and really hoping and praying that I could finish before the clean-up crew started breaking down the course... 

Crystal, one of the women from our church, came to support and encourage us! She and Claire ran the last 10K of my half-marathon with me. Crystal and her husband, Brandon, have been some of our biggest fans here in Thailand. Who else but a stud would wake up at 2:00 am to help support two girls from her church... and then run with them?! 

[2:30 am... ready to head to the race!]

We arrived around 3:30 am, and the half-marathon line-up didn't begin until 4:30 am, so we had some time to kill and take some pictures...

[Crystal & Claire]
[Claire & I]
[Crystal & I]
Before the race, I had to make a little trip to the ladies' room... I feel like using the toilets in Thailand are always a burden. First you have to find them, then you usually have to supply your own tissue, and your own soap... what a hassle. So after some bad directions and lots of "hong naam, you-tee nigh?" (where's the bathroom?) I finally saw some signs and arrows. It was still dark, but I had my eyes peeled for some porta-potties. Nowhere. I'd walked so far from the race, I knew I must have missed them. Stopping a police officer I asked again, "hong naam, you-tee nigh?" He proceeded to walk me to a what looked like a charter bus. Yes, a bus. It would seem they don't use porta-potties for races, they use giant buses. I walk up the steps, and sure enough, they've compartmentalized the bus and each "stall" has a squatty potty. It is at this point that I remember I didn't bring any toilet paper... So, back to the street I go and I start looking around. Before too long, I spot a girl holding a roll. I approach her, "Khaw tote kha. Oww nit-noy maay kha?" (Excuse me, can I have a little bit?) Lucky for me, she was either feeling generous enough to spare a square, or too caught off guard to say no. I won't go into details about the lack of cleanliness or the fact that it was a squatty potty... But... That's one experience I wouldn't mind not repeating. After that little adventure, it was time to start stretching and lining up for the race.

[Folks warming up... They were so intimidating with their fancy stretches, salt packs and fanny pack pockets]
[Ready, ready! Lecrae's "Gravity" album all queued up for the race]
[Everyone in front of me, I was right in the middle, which I loved!]
[My last view of Claire and Crystal before our reunion at the 7-mile marker!]
I've never been in a race before, but everything people say is true. There really is such a supportive and fun atmosphere at a race. Everyone is cheering everyone else on; it really is neat to be a part of! 

If I had been a spectator, I would have taken a lot more pictures... pictures of Thai people holding up signs they made that were poorly translated. My favorite one just said in huge letters "I DIED." Haha, that was a sign I didn't want over me during the race! I also would have taken a picture of the random spectator giving out high-fives, or the guy who stopped running to hand out prunes to people (I don't know, it's Thailand...). I would have photographed the runners' smiles when they got to a checkpoint and were rewarded with cold water, sponges and watermelon wedges, and the people like me trying to balance all those with my phone and personal water bottle, all while still running, ha! 

But even though my pictures are limited, there were plenty of photographers. Every time I felt like slowing down or being bored (because, let's face it, 3 hours is a long time), there were the paparazzi! It was enough to get the spring back in my step and put a smile on my face. I don't want to think about how many Thai folks now have pictures of my sweaty face!

[This was taken, while running, at my 1/3 point. I was on a bridge and the sun was just beginning to rise.]
[Claire ran her 10K with me, for the last leg of my half-marathon to help spur me on and set a good pace with her fresh legs. This photo was taken after the race, but it was a joy to see her and Crystal's face at the 7 mile marker!]
[After the race! They provided us with free tiger balm patches, which I promptly applied to my sore knees.]
I can't tell you how much you all were an encouragement to me while I ran... and really, this has been such a joy to be a part of, albeit a bit surreal. In fact, if it weren't for needing to slather my body with tiger balm today, I might think it didn't happen! I have been so blessed throughout this whole process. Claire and I started off by wanting to do something to help a dear family, the Kelley's, with their adoption. And, while we were able to do that ($610 was pledged!!), I feel like I have grown and been so uplifted through this process as well. There is something really neat about being able to help rally people for not just for a cause, but for a child. Your contribution, whether through encouraging us, praying for the Kelley's or giving financially is going to make a tangible impact on a child and their family.

Here is my encouragement to you... If God has grabbed your heart about something, run with it. See where He takes you and see how He changes you in that process. It's worth it!

[For Claire's post on the race, click here!]